Thursday, March 10, 2011

I have gratitude today for...
* Ed & John recognizing the team for an awesome sales round in today's meeting, and for recognizing me for my individual accomplishments this month.
* lunch with Sophia, Beth & John at Plaza Azteca. I was excited to tell them we would like them to work for us after their internships end if they should choose to stay.
* it being Thursday when I kept thinking it was Monday.
* finally catching up with Lorin Gussard.
* talking with Mom and Kelly tonight.
* Debbie sharing with me the news that she is probably going to be laid off. I knew when I saw the instant message "hey..." that something was wrong. It is really sad, what's going on in education these days. She is one of the most respected teachers in her school but will be one of the first to go because of how long she's been there. It's a disgrace. I hope in some way I was able to put her a little more at east. I remember what it felt like when I was laid off from LifeStyle, but somehow we all find a way to move forward.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely helped me. Each day I feel more and more positive. There is still hope if the union votes for furlough days. I am now starting to trust that whatever happens is for a greater good that I just dont know yet. Thank you again for being such a supportive and loving friend!
