Monday, July 23, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* lunch at Iron Hill with Ian after our presentation at Westfield. 
* my first Jin Shin Jyutsu appointment with Hannelore. I am so glad Lori recommended her to me. I've decided to invest in myself and work on getting past the things that have been weighing on me from last summer. My shower, the wedding planning, the tension with some people that I still feel today. I realize the only thing I can do is work on myself, I can't change anyone else. This was a great thing for me to try and I'm looking forward to my next session in two weeks. 
* an incredibly good time at Suburban Life's "Best of the Best" party. It felt so great to walk into the room knowing so many people. Everyone seemed genuinely happy to see me, especially Ed & Gerry. Ed even said to me "are you ready to come back yet?" It's nice to feel valued. It was fun having Andrew, Viki & Lori there as well as the whole Suburban Life gang. I feel very lucky to be able to go back to events like that without there being hard feelings. It makes me that much more certain (if that's even possible) that I made the right choice. 

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