Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* the pretty roses I got to look at all day from my honey.
* committing to no meat in August; I've been back and forth but I've done it before and I know I can do it again!
* renewing my BJ's membership and buying lots of great stuff to start out our healthy eating endeavor. I got mini packs of hummus and guacamole as well as organic tortilla chips, Fiber One bars, individual packs of almonds and huge containers of fresh greens and spinach!
* an incredible yoga class with Marissa--I was extremely challenging but I got through it, I'm getting used to the hot yoga. She also read some quotes that resonated with me as I try to get past some stuff that's been weighing on me for the last year.

"Learning how to cultivate a non-reactive awareness is the essential skill, which deepens your experience of both feeling and thought. An intimacy with self results when you can feel powerful emotions arise in the body, or see distracting thoughts and conditioned responses arise in your mind, without losing yourself in them. Self-observation as prescribed by Swami Kripalu is not a way to distance yourself from experience to produce a disembodied, arms-length or dissociative state. It is being right there in the midst of whatever is arising in the body and psyche, choosing to experience it fully while refraining from judgment and reaction".
* watching the U.S. Women's Gymnastics team win Gold! I don't know how they do it or how their parents watch. I had sweaty palms the whole time. They were almost perfect, what a great job by all 5 women!

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