I have gratitude today for...
* feeling better today.
* getting a lot of our Christmas shopping done tonight.
* the awesome Calvin Klein bras I got at Annie Sez on clearance for $6!! They're $40 bras. Woo hoo.
* putting together Molly's "doll bed" all by myself, I was quite proud my accomplishment.
* the Barbara Walter's special with Oprah. I just love that woman. I think she is one of the most genuine, admirable "celebrities" there are. She has more money than she could ever need or want in a lifetime, and you would never know it. We can all learn from her.
* being able to laugh when the cake I baked tonight completely fell apart when I took it out of the pan onto the cooling rack.
I admire that you have patience to look through clearance racks. I would have paid the $40 just to not have to shop ;)