Saturday, June 25, 2011

I have gratitude today for...
* not feeling too crappy for cleaning today after being in the heat, drinking beers all day, and staying up until 1am. I can't believe Andy & I actually drove back to Avalon to clean but it paid for a lot of our weekend so it was worth it. 
* Primos for lunch.
* Getting back to AC in time for the Dave & Tim set. 
* Kelly & Alex finding an adorable new apartment in Yardley. 
* Lisa Hannigan- she was great and I'm really glad we got to see her! 
* going back to the hotel to have a few drinks and play our slot dollars! I won $50 and Andy won $12, woo hoo. 
* going to see O.A.R. even though I wasn't thrilled that I barely knew the songs they played. 
* an awesome DMB show with lots of songs I love. Nancies, Break Free, Idea of You and Crush were some of my favorites. 
* going to Wild, Wild, West to meet up with Jen Cardonick and to have a few $2 beers. We were all so tired we didn't make it past 2am but it was fun. 
* getting the yummy pizza at the place Andy & I love on the boardwalk. 

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