Monday, January 30, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* finding a new blog to read. I absolutely love it and in some weird way the writer sorta reminds me of myself (just a much lesser version than she is.) Her writing reminds of a Dave Sedaris book. Check it out!
* having yet another new instructor for yoga tonight. Jennifer was great and I loved her energy, it was a great class.
* making plans with Bethany to see her and Max tomorrow. I can't wait to meet the cute little guy!
* getting through my acupuncture appointment tonight. For some reason it was very emotional and I had tears rolling down my face as I laid there. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time letting go of certain things, things I can't do anything about, but sometimes I feel like they're eating me alive.
* God keeping me safe as I drove through the ghetto trying to get onto 76. I mean, I was genuinely reallllly scared.
* the policeman that pulled me over letting me go. After my agonizing drive through the ghetto I thought I was getting onto 76 but in fact turned down an alley. I turned around in a parking lot immediately and then went onto the 76 ramp---seconds later, headlights flashing. I was already on the verge of tears and didn't know I had done something wrong. Turns out the alley was one-way and I had no idea, the police man said "next time you go down a one way street make sure there are no cops first." I explained I had been lost and he could clearly see and hear I was shaken up so he asked me where I was going and sent me on my way. Sigh...
* for Andy being so supportive. I had a minor breakdown on my drive home and was very upset. He was calm and loving when I got home and made me feel better.
* reading some of Sarah Brown's blog about her weight loss journey and her running (marathons!) accomplishments. I give people that have to work so hard to maintain their weight so much credit, I can't imagine the discipline it takes. I guess I'm "lucky" that I can pretty much eat what I want and not pay for it in significant weight gain, but at the same time, I lack self-control and still have to work really hard at making healthy choices...even when I know better (which is basically all the time now that I've learned so much about food).

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