Sunday, February 17, 2013

I have gratitude today for...
* getting everything packed and ready to go early in the day for tomorrow morning's flight so I didn't have to deal with it after the concert tonight.
* watching the beginning of the Beyonce documentary on HBO while I worked out on the elliptical.
* spending some time adding to my workout playlist and adding the new CDs I got last week to my iPod.
* talking with Aunt Kathy and Grandma this afternoon. I owed them both return phone calls from my birthday.
* going over to Jeff & Megan's early to see the kids. I never get to see them anymore. :-(
* a fun time at The Victor with Andy, Jeff & Megan before the show. We had a few drinks and dinner at a bar table. We were also able to keep our car in their parking lot instead of paying $25 to park in the garage.
* the email I received from Katie today---looking forward to catching up with her soon, and to meeting the baby!
* Christian telling my about Ben Howard last week, and giving me his CD. We probably wouldn't have gone in to see him otherwise, and he was fantastic! It's been a while since I found new music I really like and I can't wait to see him again.
* Mumford & Sons---WOW! I can't even put into words how fantastic the show was. I've been SO EXCITED for this concert. I've probably listened to Babel more than anything else over the last several months and I'm in love with so many of their songs. Their lyrics are so spiritual and beautiful. Their energy was incredible and I loved all of the musicians playing so many instruments. They closed the show with both opening acts joining them on stage and they all played Bruce's "Atlantic City". I thought that was pretty cool! I haven't been this excited about a band in forever. I'm already dying to see them again!

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