Thursday, September 26, 2013

I have gratitude today for...
* another awesome session with Dave this morning. I secretly hope every time I have to go early in the morning that I'll get a text from him cancelling. I really just wanted to sleep this morning, but...I went and it was a great workout.
* Andy finding a way to get me to Gold status on Starwood Rewards! Hopefully we'll get some upgrades in Aruba. 
* placing an order with Sweaty Bands. Supposedly they're the best headbands ever and it would be great if they'd actually stay on for running and yoga. We'll see. 
* Kathy inviting me to the BEN FM "Women of the Week" event at Rosemont College. I met some of the people she works with and listened to a couple of good speeches. I thought it was going to be more of a networking event---sometimes you never know until you get there. 
* talking with Steve about the non-compete agreement he wants me to sign and him alleviating some of my concerns. 

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