Friday, January 20, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* having the courage to try acupuncture. I found myself feeling really nervous but loved Lauren at South Philly Community Acupuncture. Right away it seemed like we were long lost friends. She took time to listen to my issues and concerns and made me feel comfortable. I am going to go 2x/week for a month to see if things improve.
* God sparing us from a horrific accident. The other driver ran a red light just as we were turning off our street. They would have hit the drivers side (Andy) at full speed. I don't even want to imagine what could have happened. Really makes you think about what a difference 1 second makes sometimes.
* A night out with Andy. Dinner at Chipotle and the movies (first time seeing a movie since The King's Speech last January!)
* Mom & Dad recommending we see "The Descendants". It was a great movie and had just the right amount of humor for how sad the storyline was. Some parts were hard to watch because it was a reminder from when Andy's dad was in the hospital and passed away. :-(

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