Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* Alison showing appreciation for the birthday card we sent her. I was happy she got it in the mail today. Cards are so simple yet so few people send them anymore, so I think they mean even more when your mailbox has a card waiting for you!
*making my train this morning after absentmindedly getting on 76 in the wrong direction, parking my car and running through the station like a lunatic. Naturally I got the platform and the train wasn't even there yet.
* getting to visit good old NYC again today. I had a training in lower Manhattan and then Chipotle for lunch before making my way back to Penn Station.
* being able to laugh at myself when I could not find my car anywhere. Since I was in such a rush to park this morning I didn't pay attention to where I parked. I even asked the office if it was possibly towed. After hitting the panic button and trying to follow the alarm I found it 25 minutes later. If you had been watching it would have been quite a comedy show.  
 * printing and framing a picture for Erin of her and I on my wedding day and one for Liam's room too since he technically was part of the wedding party. :-) 

             Erin & I before the ceremony                                  "Baby Fry, we can't wait to meet you!"

*going to the Penny Auction with Erin and Maria. Even thought I probably spent $50-75 and didn't win a thing it made me feel good to donate to the school and we had a fun time!
* my chicken taco dip being a hit with everyone. I love it when people like the food I make.

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