Thursday, March 22, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* meeting some good contacts at Philly I Day. I think I am going to ask if I can go to the one in Pittsburgh.
* DVR'ing Ellen today. Her segment on the documentary coming out about bullying brought tears to my eyes. She is so genuine and so right; why do kids treat other kids so poorly? When I was in school to become a teacher I decided early on my cause would be bullying. I feel so strongly about it---kids are killing themselves because of the bullying they endure from their peers. It's awful and schools need to start addressing this!
* spending a few minutes on the porch reading PEOPLE before Andy got home.
* finding a website to use for our wedding album. I've been looking for a professional style album that isn't going to cost $400!
* finding a pair of Bruce tickets for sale and finding someone to buy the ticket I don't need. I've been feeling so bad that I didn't have a ticket for Steve's friend--I was determined to find one!
* Andy saying he will support me and my efforts to change how I eat. It meant a lot. I just hope over time he will want to change too.

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