Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 14

"Unfortunately, your doctor is not tossing and turning at night, debating the benefits of pushing drugs or food. He doesn't have enough information to be conflicted; although medical schools are supposed to provide students with approximately 25 hours of nutritional education, it's believed that as many as 60% don't comply." The Kind Diet
We grow up thinking our doctors know everything, that they know best. And some do, some doctors are miracle workers. I don't want this to come off as an anti-doctor rant. But when I reflect on the above quote, I can't help but think "So most doctors receive little or no training on nutrition? Are you kidding me?" How can they give advice and prescribe prescription after prescription after prescription if they're not learning about the foods we eat, how they are processed. They aren't educated on foods can be natural healing remedies for those that don't want to take pills for every little thing.

We trust our doctors to be leaders and healers. We trust them to take care of us and tell us what's best. Unfortunately, this isn't happening as much as we think, expect and deserve.

Become your own advocate. Educate yourself and make your own decisions on how you can live a healthier, longer and fuller life.
Become your own advocate!

I don't have anything all that interesting to talk about tonight. I grabbed a slice of pizza from Tonio's for lunch today because it was quick and easy. I've also had a non-stop craving for pizza lately and I can't explain why.

I went to a great yoga class at Ryah tonight and then made my standard veggie stir-fry and basmati rice for dinner.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for NYC and then Long Island until Thursday. My favorite part of going away is the eating part. I get to try new places and I don't the "going to a restaurant alone" phobia so I actually enjoy it. My iPad is usually my date and I'm quite content.

Good thing I decided to do my daily quote and then my reflection, otherwise these blog posts would be pretty boring. I'm hoping I can eventually start talking about the great recipes I'm cooking up and new foods I'm trying. As of right now, not much of that has been happening. But...I'm going on Week 3 of no meat and I'm pretty damn proud of that!

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