Friday, July 20, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* the animal crackers I bought at the airport today They were the good kind I remember Mom-Mom buying for us when we were little. They came in a little cardboard box with a string handle. She used to "surprise" me with them when she would come back from the grocery store. 

* making my connecting flight to Philly. We were late getting into LaGuardia and I was nervous I missed it. I normally wouldn't care but it's Friday and I didn't want to be stuck in an airport all night trying to get on another flight. 
* Mack's Pizza for lunch/dinner. I only had animal crackers and Vitamin water all day so I was starving!
* finding some cute running shorts at TJ Maxx.
* starting "The Help." I've been wanting to read this ever since Jean Hepke recommended it two years ago. I love it so far!

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