Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have gratitude today for...
* being able to clean with Megan early this morning for Sharon. She's such a nice lady and really appreciates us.
* talking with Doug this afternoon about his next move. He told me all about his new company and what his plans are for building a team in the northeast. 
* DelValMedia closing at 3pm today---so I was able to stop sending emails and making calls early. 
* meeting the Fry's at the beach near the Sea Isle bridge this afternoon. I've never been there and always thought it looks so pretty. It was nice but reallllly windy. We had a few beers and made the best of the sandstorm.
* my bruschetta being a hit with everyone again this year. I love it when people enjoy food that I've made. 
* a great family dinner with the Fry's. Erin & Bill had dinner tonight- london broil, eggplant parm, roasted potatoes, salad and corn on the cob. Yum!
* going to bed early tonight so I can get up early tomorrow and make the most of my day off for July 4th. 

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