Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I have gratitude today for...
* texting with Bethany today and catching up with her. I feel horrible we haven't seen each other or really talked all that much. I'm hoping she is up for getting together soon. 
* briefly talking to Dan from Leadbox (through email) today. It was nice to touch base. 
* talking with Mastercard about the charges on my card from when I thought the auto-payments had been set up. They credited me and confirmed they are now set up correctly. 
* going to yoga nidra tonight at Aim High. It was so relaxing with the lights off and just candles lit. Some people fell asleep during the relaxation part, (they were even snoring, which of course made me want to poke my eyes out!) but I didn't. I actually find it very difficult to "stop thinking" but I do the best I can to just let the thoughts come in and out without really focusing on them. 

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