Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I have gratitude today for...
* meeting with Gary this morning and talking about my role with Park Power. As we learn more about the market and how we can find our place in it, my role is changing. I understand we are figuring out things as we go and I am ok with being patient as that happens. 
* talking with Mom today and making plans to pick up Grandma on Sat. from the airport.
* Andy reaching out to the insurance guy Cat recommended for our home owner's insurance. He's done all of the legwork for the mortgage, insurance, etc. I feel very lucky that he is so knowledgeable about all of that stuff. 
* going to Hot Yoga at Aim High with Rachel. Her classes are challenging and hot, but I feel great afterwards and know it's good for me to keep up with going at least a couple times a week. 
* Dave being understanding about me only coming in one time last week and this week for training. 
* the amazing steak dinner we had tonight. Andy made the roasted potatoes and carrots. I made the NY strips in my new Le Cresuet grill pan. I started out by coating the steaks with seasoning and pepper, and then seared it on the stove. After about 8 minutes, I put the grill pan in the oven and finished cooking them through. I've heard before that restaurants make steak this way and I've always thought grilling is the way to go. Now I know to do it this way from now on, they tasted just like a steak house!
* being ok after falling down the steps tonight. I was coming down to get my phone and some water before bed and had "fuzzy socks" on. I slipped and went straight down. I was ok, but I'm going to have some major bruises. 

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