Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I have gratitude today for...
* going to Chipotle with Stephen for lunch. I actually brought my lunch but the power went out so I couldn't use the microwave. 
* our visit to CHOP. We met Neil & Matt there and they gave us a tour of a good portion of the hospital. It was incredible to see all of the services they provide for not only their patients, but the patients' families. Of course going through the oncology area was very emotional. We didn't see that many children but we did see their rooms, decorations on their doors, artwork they've made and the Ronald McDonald room that works to make them feel somewhat "at home". Of course it's hard to imagine being there with a very sick child, but they are the best children's hospital in the world and we are lucky to be so close. They are able to take VHS & DVD donations so now I know where I can donate the box of movies I have in our basement. 
* the cute boy scout selling popcorn outside our office when we got back from CHOP. He couldn't have been older than 7 or 8 and had his sales pitch down! It was pretty funny when he said "For the low price of $15, you can have this bag of popcorn. Oh, and we take credit cards." $15 for a bag of popcorn is pretty insane, but he was really cute. 
* deciding to skip yoga tonight. I lost the credit for the class but I was really tired and worried about my fall from last night, so I decided to take it easy tonight. 

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