Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I have gratitude today for...
* finding Vega on www.amazon.com for a good price and placing an order. I like that it's vegan and gives 50% of the daily needed vitamins, protein and minerals.
* going to Trader Joe's and buying an organic roasting chicken and organic boneless chicken. I also bought coconut oil, rice vinegar, roasted cashews, and two kinds of organic rice. I spent $50 on what seemed like very little but a big part of learning to shop like this is quality vs. quantity, a concept we learn at an early age but usually find hard to apply. I know eventually I won't feel so lost in stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.
* beautiful weather for our get together at Viki's house! It was warm enough to sit on her deck for a while with Viki, Jane, Lori and Lorin. We had a great time talking as usual and my peanut butter ice cream dessert was a hit!
* giving Viki & Lori their (very) belated Christmas present. A framed picture of the three of us from our wedding. One of the very few I have with friends. :-(

With Viki & Lori on my wedding day!

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