I have gratitude today for...
* hearing good news from Jillian today.
* being able to take a few deep breaths, and talking to Ian today, when I felt completely overwhelmed by Bob's emails about our moving date.
* starting out the new month with fitting in the elliptical this afternoon. I enjoy watching American Idol and Ellen while I workout. They help make the time go by fairly quickly.
* making the 5:17 train into Philly. I cut it a little close and was worried I'd have to run to the train station. I got there with 5 minutes to spare.
* starting Jennie McCarthy's book "Confessions of a Recovering Catholic". I only read a few chapters on the train but I could relate and they made me laugh. I love her!
* drinks and apps at Oh Shea's pub with Andy, Ben, Jess & John before the show at Helium. After the day I had I really enjoyed a few beers.
* going to Helium for the Todd Glass show. Andy & I saw him last March and he was great. He repeated some jokes but we still laughed a lot and had a good time! The openers were funny too.
* grabbing a few beers with Ben after the show and then going back to his apartment. He played the guitar and we were singing songs. I know I'm a terrible singer but we were having so much fun and started looking up the lyrics online when it became clear we needed assistance.
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