I have gratitude today for...
* Doug taking the time to meet with me to look over my investments and life insurance policy. We also discussed the importance of having a living will and power of attorney designated. Stuff none of us want to think about, but he's right, God forbid...
* having met Doug and knowing within a very short time that we'll be friends and for a long time. I am looking forward to seeing what business venture he becomes a part of next!
* Jess picking me up for the Scranton show. We had a quick bite of our sandwiches at my house and then hit the road.
* meeting up with Jess's friend Dena and her friends Heather, Traci and Christy. They were so much fun! We had an awesome time tailgating, the weather was perfect up on the mountain. Good drinks, food, music and friends!
* finding another $20 bill on the ground! That's 2 in 5 days, I texted Andy and told him we should play the lottery, haha.
* trading over with a couple that was sitting near the other ladies so Jess & I could watch the show with them. We all had a great time. The setlist was fantastic and it made me excited for the rest of the summer!! My favorites were Idea of You, #41, Warehouse opener, and JTR.